"Patio", "Patios" in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Patio" & "Patios" are written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this word pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"We're on the patio."

Nahna 3ala 2al teras.

.نحنا على التراس

"Do you want to sit on the patio?"

(m) Badak te23od 3ala 2al teras?

(f) Badik te2e3de 3ala 2al teras?

بدك تقعد على التراس؟ (m)

بديك تقعدي على التراس؟ (f)

"Let's sit on the patio."

Khalina ne23od 3ala 2al teras.

.خلينا نقعد على التراس

"There are many restaurants with patios in this area."

Fi ktir mata3em biteras bi hal manta2a.

.في كتير مطاعم بتراس بهلمنطقة

"I'm on the patio."
2ana 3ala 2al teras.

.انا على التراس


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