“Paid” (past) in Greek

In Greek, “Paid” (past, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Plirosa

(You) Pliroses

(You, formal) Plirosate

(You, plural) Plirosate

(He, She, It) Plirose

(We) Plirosame

(They) Plirosan

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(I) Πλήρωσα

(You) Πλήρωσες

(You, formal) Πληρώσατε

(You, plural) Πληρώσατε

(He, She, It) Πλήρωσε

(We) Πληρώσαμε

(They) Πλήρωσαν

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I already paid.”

Plirosa idi.

Πλήρωσα ήδη.

“I paid with my credit card because I didn’t have enough cash.

Plirosa me karta giati den eixa arketa metrita.

Πλήρωσα με κάρτα γιατί δεν είχα αρκετά μετρητά.

“Did you pay?”



“Did you two pay already?”

Plirosate idi eseis oi dyo?

Πληρώσατε ήδη εσείς οι δύο;

“He paid for our meals.”

Aftos plirose gia ta geumata mas.

Αυτός πλήρωσε για τα γεύματά μας.

“She paid for everything.”

Plirose gia ola.

Πλήρωσε για όλα.

“We haven’t paid yet.”

Den plirosame akoma.

Δεν πληρώσαμε ακόμα.

“They paid for our meals.”

Plirosan gia ta geumata mas.

Πλήρωσαν για τα γεύματά μας.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Paid” (past) in Egyptian Arabic

“Paid” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

“Paid” (past) in Turkish

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