“Overtime” (employment) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Overtime” (the noun, as in working more than what is obligated) is written using the Latin script as:

Sweya3 zeyda

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

سوايع زايدة

Listen to this term pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I am working overtime tonight.”

Bech nekhdem sweya3 zeyda ellila.

.بش نخدم سوايع زايدة اللّيلة

“Are you working overtime again tonight?”

Bech tekhdem sweya3 zeyda marra okhra ellila?

بش تخدم سوايع زايدة مرّة أخرى اللّيلة؟

“We have to work overtime to get the job done before the deadline.”

Lezemna nekhdmou sweya3 zeyda bech nkamlou l khedma 9bal ekher ajal.

.لازم نخدمو سوايع زايدة بش نكمّلو الخدمة قبل آخر أجل

“My husband works a lot of overtime.”

Rajli yesser yekhdem sweya3 zeyda.

.راجلي ياسر يخدم سوايع زايدة

“We are both at work working overtime right now.”

A7na ezzouz fel khedma taw na3mlou fi sweya3 zeyda.

.أحنا الزوز في الخدمة تو نعملو في سوايع زايدة


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