“Outside” in Turkish

In Turkish, Outside (the adjective) is written as:


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Examples in sentences or statements

Can you turn on the outside light?

Dışarıdaki ışığı açabilir misin?

She parked her car in the outside parking lot.

O, arabasını dışarıdaki otoparka park etti.

The outside seating area is full. Let’s sit indoors.

Dışarıdaki oturma alanı dolu. İçeride oturalım.

The outside walls need to be painted.

Dış duvarların boyanması gerekiyor.

The outside noise from the construction site is annoying.

Dışarıdaki şantiyeden gelen gürültü rahatsız edici.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Outside” in Egyptian Arabic

“Outside” in Lebanese Arabic

“Outside” in Greek


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