"One hundred" (100) in Tunisian Arabic
In Tunisian Arabic, "One hundred" (100) is written using the Latin script as:
Meyya (Mye)
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
(مية) ميّة
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Examples in sentences or statements
"One hundred dinars."
Myet dinar.
.مياة دينار
"This house is 100 years old."
Eddar 3morha myet sna.
.الدّار عمرها مياة سنة
"She's 100 years old!"
3morha myet sna!
!عمرها مياة سنة
"I counted 100 books on the shelf."
7sebt myet kteb 3al raff.
.حسبت مياة كتاب على الرف
"These olive trees are 100 years in age."
Ezzitounet hedhom 3morhom myet sna.
.الزّيتونات هذم عمرهم مياة سنة
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