"One hundred" (100) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "One hundred" is written using the Latin script as:


in Lebanese Arabic, using the Arabic script, it is written as:


When "100" is written numerically using the Arabic script, it is written as:


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Examples in sentences or statements

"The business turns 100 next year."

2al sheghel bi sir miye sene sent 2al je.

.الشغل بيصر مية سنة الجي

"The business is 100 years old."

2al sheghel 3amro miye sene.

.الشغل عمرو مية سنة

"He is 100 years old."

3amro miye sene.

.عمرو مية سنة

"She is 100 years old."

3amruha miye sene.

.عمرها مية سنة

"This orchard is approximately 100 hectares in size."

2al besten hajmo ta2riban miyet hektar.

.البستان حجمو تقريبًا مية هكتار


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