"Obvious" in Turkish

In Turkish, "Obvious" (the adjective) in Turkish is:

(future tense) Belli olacak

(present tense) Belli

(past tense) Belliydi

Listen to these three phrases pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

Was it obvious?"

Belli miydi?

"It will be obvious when you see it."

Gördüğün zaman belli olacak.

"The answer was obvious."

Cevap belliydi.

"The answer wasn't obvious!"

Cevap belli değildi!

"It’s obvious that they like each other."

Birbirlerinden hoşlandıkları belli.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Obvious” in Lebanese Arabic

“Obvious” in Tunisian Arabic

"Obvious" in Greek

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