“Ninth” (9th) in Greek

In Greek, “Ninth” (9th) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) Enatos

(f) Enati

(n) Enato

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(m) Ένατος

(f) Ένατη

(n) Ένατο

Listen to these three words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

He’ll start ninth grade this year.

Tha paei stin enati taksi fetos.

Θα πάει στην ένατη τάξη φέτος.

I work on the ninth floor.

Doulevo ston enato orofo.

Δουλεύω στον ένατο όροφο.

He finished in ninth place.

Vgike enatos.

Βγήκε ένατος.

This is my ninth project.

Einai to enato mou project.

Είναι το ένατο μου project.

The party is on the ninth.

To parti einai stis ennia tou minos.

Το πάρτυ είναι στις εννιά του μηνός.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Ninth” (9th) in Lebanese Arabic

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