"Nineteen" (19) in Tunisian Arabic

The number "Nineteen" is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


When "19" is written numerically using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this number pronounced (audio)


Examples in statements or sentences

"My birthday is on January 19."

3id miledi fi tsa3tach Janvier.
عيد ميلادي في تسعطاش جانفي.

"We have 19 tomatoes left."

Mazelelna tsa3tach ka3ba tmatem.

.مازاللنا تسعطاش كعبة طماطم

"My cousin turns 19 years old today."

Mon cousin ywali tsa3tach lyouma.
مون كوزن يولي تسعطاش ليوما.

"The legal drinking age in this country is nineteen."

L3mor el 9anouni li chorb fi el bled hedhi howa tsa3tach sne.
السن القانوني للشرب في البلاد هاذي هو تسعطاش سنة.

"Vacation starts in nineteen days!"

El 3otla tebda ba3d tsa3tach youm!

!العطلة تبدى في تسعطاش يوم


Related numbers in Tunisian Arabic

“Eighteen” (18) in Tunisian Arabic

“Twenty” (20) in Tunisian Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Nineteen” (19) in Egyptian Arabic

“Nineteen” (19) in Lebanese Arabic

“Nineteen” (19) in Turkish

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