“Nearer” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Nearer” (the adjective, in a comparative sense, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“Do you want to sit nearer or further away from the front?”

T7eb to93ed a9rab wala ab3ad mel blayes el 9odemyin?

تحب تقعد أقرب ولا أبعد من البلايص القداميين؟

Which way is nearer?

Amehou a9rab tri9?

أماهو أقرب طريق؟

“Which table is nearer to the window?”

Amehi a9rab tawla l chobbek?

أماهي أقرب طاولة للشبّاك؟

“Do you two want a table nearer to the window?”

T7ebou tawla a9rab l chobbek?

تحبّو طاولة أقرب للشبّاك؟

Which restaurant is nearer?

Amehou a9rab restaurant?

أماهو أقرب رستورون؟


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