“Nap” (future) in Turkish

In Turkish, “Nap” (the verb, in the future tense) is written as:

(I) Kestireceğim

(You) Kestireceksin

(You, formal) Kestireceksiniz

(You, plural) Kestireceksiniz

(He, She, It) Kestirecek

(We) Kestireceğiz

(They) Kestirecekler

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I’m going to nap after lunch.”

Öğle yemeğinden sonra kestireceğim.

“I’m not going to nap. I have a lot of work to do.”

Kestirmeyeceğim. Çok işim var.

“Are you going to nap?”

Kestirecek misin?

“You two should nap. You both look very tired.”

Siz ikiniz biraz kestirmelisiniz. Çok yorgun gözüküyorsunuz.

“He is going to nap after his workout.”

Egzersiz yaptıktan sonra kestirecek.

“She is going to nap in the car on the way home from the beach.”

Sahilden dönerken arabada kestirecek.

“We are going to nap on the plane.”

Uçakta kestireceğiz.

“At what time should the kids nap?”

Çocuklar saat kaçta kestirmeli?

“They are going to nap for an hour.”

Bir saat kestirecekler.


Related words in Turkish

“Sleep” (future) in Turkish

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Nap” (future) in Tunisian Arabic


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