"Name", "Names" (nouns) in Greek

In Greek, "Name" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:

(n) Onoma

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(n) Όνομα

In Greek Arabic, "Names" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:

(n) Omomata

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(n) Ονόματα

Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"What’s your name?"

Poio einai to onoma sou?

Ποιό είναι το όνομα σου?

"My name is…"

To onoma mou einai...

Το όνομα μου είναι...

"What are your names?"

Poia einai ta onomata sas?

Ποιά είναι τα ονόματα σας?

"What’s your dog’s name?"

Poio einai to onoma tou skilou sou?

Ποιό είναι το όνομα του σκύλου σου?

"I like your name!"

M'aresei to onoma sou!

Μ'αρέσει το όνομα σου!

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Name”, “Names” (nouns) in Lebanese Arabic

“Name”, “Names” (nouns) in Tunisian Arabic

“Name”, “Names” (nouns) in Turkish

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