"Mouth", "Mouths" (nouns) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Mouth" is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


In Lebanese Arabic, "Mouths" is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"I had to open my mouth wide at the dentist."

Ken lezim 2eftah teme ktir 3and hakim 2al 2esnen.

.كان لازم افتح تمي كتير عند حكيم الأسنان

"Open your mouth wide."

2eftah temak ktir.

.افتح تمك كتير

"I like how my mouth feels after swishing with mouth wash."

Bheb sh3our teme ba3ad ma gharghir bel ghousoul.

.بحب شعور تمي بعد ما غرغر بالغسول

"Do you sell mouth wash?"

(m) Betbi3 ghousoul lal fam?

(f) Betbib3e ghousoul lal fam?

بتبيع غسول للفم؟ (m)

بتبيعي غسول للفم؟ (f)

"The baby birds opened their mouths."

2al 3asafir2al saghir fataho temon.

.العصافير الصغار فتحوا تمون


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