"Minute", "Minutes" in Tunisian Arabic
In Tunisian Arabic, "Minute" is written using the Latin script as:
(f) D9i9a
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
دقيقة (f)
In Tunisian Arabic, "Minutes" it is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"Do you have a minute?"
3andek d9i9a men wa9tek?
"There are sixty minutes in an hour."
Fama setin d9i9a fel se3a.
"How many minutes to complete the order?"
9adech men d9i9a bech tkamel el commande?
"I’ll be back in 10 minutes."
Taw nerja3 ba3ed 10 d9aya9.
"I’m going to leave for the airport in a few minutes."
Bech no5roj mel matar ba3ed chwaya d9aya9.
Related words in Tunisian Arabic
“Hour”, “Hours” in Tunisian Arabic
In other Mediterranean languages and dialects
“Minute”, “Minutes” in Egyptian Arabic
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