“Meets” (third-person) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, “Meets” (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) Byitle2a

(f) Btetle2a

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

بيتليقا (m)

بتتليقا (f)

Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“He meets with his mother every weekend.”

Huwe byetle2a ma3 2emo kel jem3a.

.هو بيتليقا ماع أمو كل جمعا

“She meets with many new customers every day.”

Hiye btetle2a ma3 zboun jdid kel yawm.

.هي بتتليقا ماع زبون جديد كليوم

“The manager meets with her staff every Monday.”

2al manager byetle2a ma3 fari2a kel tanen.

.بيتليقا ماع فريقا كلتانين manager أل

“The CEO of this company meets with the executives every week.”

2al CEO taba3 haydal sherke byetle2a ma3 2al rou2asak kel jem3a.

.تباع هيدل شركي بيتليقا ماع ألروقساق كل جمعا CEO أل

“My mother meets with her sister for tea almost every day.”

2eme btetle2a ma3 2ekhta kermel tay ta2riban kel yawm.

.أمي بتتليقا ماع أختا كرمال تاي تاقريبان كل يوم


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Meets” (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

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