"Mean" (behaviour) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Mean" (the adjective, in the future, present, and past tense) when used before a noun is written as:


And when used after the subject is:

(I) Kabayım

(You) Kabasın

(You, formal) Kabasınız

(You, plural) Kabasınız

(He, She, It) Kaba

(We) Kabayız

(They) Kabalar

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"Hey, don’t be mean!"

Hey, kaba olma!

"That was a mean comment."

Bu kaba bir yorumdu.

"He’s not usually so mean."

Genellikle böyle kaba değil.

"She can be mean sometimes."

Bazen kaba olabiliyor.

"I didn’t mean to be mean."

Kaba olma niyetim yoktu.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Mean” (behaviour) in Tunisian Arabic

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