“Maybe” in Egyptian Arabic
In Egyptian Arabic, "Maybe" is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
Listen to this word pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"Maybe we can go out tonight."
E7na momken n5rog enharda blel.
.إحنا ممكن نخرج النهاردة بليل
"Maybe I'll call you later."
Ana momken aklmk b3den.
.أنا ممكن أكلمك بعدين
"I'll maybe buy that dress."
Ana momken ashtry el fostan da.
.أنا ممكن أشتري الفستان ده
"Maybe it's time to leave."
momken da ykon el w2t ely nmshy feh.
.ممكن ده يكون الوقت اللي نمشي فيه
"Maybe we should wait here."
momken n7tag nstna hena.
.ممكن نحتاج نستنى هنا
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