"Manufacturer", "Manufacturers" in Greek

In Greek, "Manufacturer" (the noun, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) Kataskevastis

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(m) Κατασκευαστής

In Greek , "Manufacturers" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) Kataskevastes

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(m) Κατασκευαστές


Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements


"Who is the manufacturer?"

Poios einai o kataskevastis?

Ποιος είναι ο κατασκευαστής;

"My husband works at a local furniture manufacturer."

O syzygos mou doulevei se enan topiko kataskevasti epiplon.

Ο σύζυγός μου δουλεύει σε έναν τοπικό κατασκευαστή επίπλων.

"This manufacturer is from Greece."

Aftos o kataskevastis einai apo tin Ellada.

Αυτός ο κατασκευαστής είναι από την Ελλάδα.

"We do business with a few manufacturers."

Kanoume douleies me kapoious kataskevastes.

Κάνουμε δουλειές με κάποιους κατασκευαστές.

"That is a car manufacturer."

Aftos einai enas kataskevastis aftokiniton.

Αυτός είναι ένας κατασκευαστής αυτοκινήτων.


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Manufacturer”, “Manufacturers” in Egyptian Arabic

“Manufacturer”, “Manufacturers” in Lebanese Arabic

“Manufacturer”, “Manufacturers” in Tunisian Arabic

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