“Looked” (resembles) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Looked” (the verb, as in resembles, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Bent

(You) Bent

(You, plural) Bentou

(He) Ben

(She) Benet

(We) Benna

(They) Benou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

بنت (I)

بنت (You)

بنتو (You, plural)

بان (He)

بانت (She)

بنّا (We)

بانو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I used to look more like my brother.”

Kont nechbeh akther l khouya.

.كنت نشبه أكثر لخويا

“You looked tired earlier.”

(m) Bent te3eb lbera7.

(f) Bent te3ba lbera7.

.بنت تاعب البارح (m)

.بنت تاعبة البارح (f)

“You two looked handsome last night.”

Tla3tou mezyenin lbera7.

.طلعتو مزيانين البارح

“You two looked beautiful last night.”

Tla3tou mezyenin lbera7.

.طلعتو مزيانين البارح

“How did you two make the room look so large!?”

Kifech raditou lbit tben akber!?

كيفاش ردّيتو البيت تبان أكبر!؟

“That cloud looked like a face a moment ago!”

El s7aba hedhika benet keyenha wejh 9bila chwaya.

.السحابة هاذيكا بانت كاينها وجه قبيلا شويّة

“He looked older after growing out his beard.”

Ben akber ki bde yrabi fi la7ytou.

.بان أكبر كي بدى يربّي في لحيتو

“She didn’t look like she was in pain.”

Mabenetch mawjou3a.

.مبانتش موجوعة

“She looked pretty last night.”

Tal3et mezyena lbera7.

.طلعت مزيانة البارح

“They looked lost but they weren’t.”

Benou keyenhom dhay3in ama makenouch dhay3in.

.بانو كاينهم ضايعين أما مكانوش ضايعين


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