"Light switch", "Light switches" in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Light switch" is written using the Latin script as:

9ars e dhaw

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

قرص الضو

In Tunisian Arabic, "Light switches" is written using the Latin script as:

9rous e dhaw

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

 قروص الضو

Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"Where is the light switch?"

Win 9ars e dhaw?

وين قرص الضو؟

"The light switch isn’t working."

9ars e dhaw ma ye5dmch.

.قرص الضو ميخدمش

"The light switch is working now."

9ars e dhaw ye5dm taw.

.قرص الضو يخدم تو

"I’ll call an electrician about the three light switches."

Taw nkalem electricien l 9rous e dhaw e thletha.

.تو نكلم الكتريسيان لقروص الضو الثلاثة

"A technician fixed the light switches."

E technicien sala7 9rous e dhaw.

.التيكنيسيان صلح قروص الضو


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Light switch”, “Light switches” in Lebanese Arabic

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