“Learns” (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, “Learns” (the verb) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) Byit3alam

(f) Btet3alam

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

بيتعالام (m)

بتتعالام (f)

Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“He learns quickly.”

Byit3alam sari3.

.بيتعالام ساريع

“She learns fast.”

Btet3alam sari3.

.بتتعالام ساريع

“He learns more every day.”

Byit3alam 2aktar kel yawm.

.بيتعالام أكتار كل يوم

“He learns faster by reading.”

Byit3alam 2asra3 ma3 2al kira2a.

.بيتعالام أسراع مع ألكيراقا

“My sister told me she learns the most by teaching.”

2ekhte 2aletle 2eno btet3alam 2aktar shi lama 3ambetfasir.

.أختي أليتلي أنو بتتعالام أكتار شي لاما عمبتفسير


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