“Learning” (present) in Greek

In Greek, “Learning” (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Mathaino

(You) Mathaineis

(You, formal) Mathainete

(You, plural) Mathainete

(He, She, It) Mathainei

(We) Mathainoume

(They) Mathainoun

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(I) Μαθαίνω

(You) Μαθαίνεις

(You, formal) Μαθαίνετε

(You, plural) Μαθαίνετε

(He, She, It) Μαθαίνει

(We) Μαθαίνουμε

(They) Μαθαίνουν

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I’m learning a new recipe.”

Mathaino mia nea syntagi.

Μαθαίνω μια νέα συνταγή.

“You’re learning fast!”

Mathaineis grigora!

Μαθαίνεις γρήγορα!

“What language are you learning right now?”

Poia glossa mathaineis tora?

Ποια γλώσσα μαθαίνεις τώρα;

“What are you two learning at school?”

Ti mathainete eseis oi dyo sto sxoleio?

Τι μαθαίνετε εσείς οι δύο στο σχολείο;

“He’s learning how to play the guitar.”

Mathainei pos na paizei kithara.

Μαθαίνει πώς να παίζει κιθάρα.

“She’s learning Spanish right now.”

Mathainei Ispanika afti ti stigmi.

Μαθαίνει ισπανικά αυτή τη στιγμή.

“We’re learning how to surf.”

Mathainoume pos na kanoume surf.

Μαθαίνουμε πώς να κάνουμε σερφ.

“They are learning new words in Tunisian Arabic.”

Mathainoun kainourgies lekseis sta Tynisiaka Aravika.

Μαθαίνουν καινούργιες λέξεις στα Τυνησιακά Αραβικά.
In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Learning” (present) in Lebanese Arabic

“Learning” (present) in Tunisian Arabic

“Learning” (present) in Turkish


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