“Jokes” (third-person) in Turkish

In Turkish, Jokes” (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written as:

Şaka yapar

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Examples in sentences or statements

She jokes with everyone in the office.”

Ofisteki herkesle şakalaşır.

“He jokes about her cooking skills.”

Onun yemek yapma şekliyle alay eder.

“He never jokes about important things.”

O asla önemli konularda şaka yapmaz.

“The teacher jokes to make the class fun.”

Öğretmen sınıfı neşelendirmek için şaka yapar.

“My brother jokes about me all the time.”

Kardeşim benim hakkımda sürekli şaka yapar.


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Jokes” (third-person) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic


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