"Interrupting" (present) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Interrupting" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) (m) N9oss

(I) (f) N9oss

(You) (m) T9oss

(You) (f) T9oss

(You, plural) T9ossou

(He) Y9oss

(She) T9oss

(We) N9ossou

(They) Y9ossou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

نقص (m) (I)

نقص (f) (I)

 تقص (m) (You)

تقص (f) (You)

تقصو (You, plural)

يقص (He)

تقص (She)

نقصو (We)

يقصو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“Sorry that I am interrupting you.”

Samahni khater kassit 3lik.

.سامحني خاتر قصيت عليك

Why are you interrupting her?

(singular) 3lech tkoss 3leha?

(plural)  3lech tkossou 3leha?

علاش تقص علاها؟

علاش تقصوا علاها؟

"Why are you interrupting him?"

(singular) 3lech tkoss 3lih?

(plural)  3lech tkossou 3lih?

علاش تقص عليه؟

علاش تقصوا عليه؟

“He is interrupting you to explain something."

9a3ed y9oss 3lik bech yfasser haja.

.قاعد بقص عليك باش يفسر حاجة

“It’s not her that is interrupting you.”

Mehich heya li 9a3da t9oss 3lik.

.ماهيش هي لي قاعدة تقص عليك

“Are we interrupting you?”

9a3din n9ossou 3lik?

قاعدين نقصو عليك؟

“They are interrupting to tell you something important.”

9a3din y9ossou bech y9ouloulek haja mouhema.

.قاعدين يقصوا باش يقولولك حاجة مهمة


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