“Hurried” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Hurried” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Zrebt

(You) Zrebt

(You, plural) Zrebtou

(He) Zreb

(She) Zerbet

(We) Zrebna

(They) Zerbou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

زربت (I)

زربت (You)

زربتو (You, plural)

زرب (He)

زربت (She)

زربنا (We)

زربو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I hurried home earlier because my son got sick.

Zrebt bech nrawa7 ldar bekri 3la 5ater weldi mrodh.

.زربت باش نروح للدار بكري على خاطر ولدي مرض

Did you hurry to catch the bus earlier?

Zrebt bech l7a9t 3al car 9bila?

زربت باش لحقت عالكار قبيلة؟

Why did you two hurry home earlier?

3leh zrebtou bech traw7ou l dar bekri?

علاه زربتو باش تروحو للدار بكري؟

He hurried to answer the phone before it stopped ringing.

Zreb bech yjeweb 3la e talifoun 9bal mayoufa e tnou9iz.

.زرب باش يجاوب على التاليفون قبل ما يوفا التنوقيز

She hurried to get to work on time.

Zerbet bech tousel lel 5edma fel wa9t.

.زربت باش توصل للخدمة في الوقت

We hurried to complete the project before the deadline.

Zrebna bech nkamlou l projet 9bal e deadline.

.زربنا باش نكملو البروجي قبل الديدلاين

They hurried to get to the airport on time.

Zerbou bech youslou lel matar fel wa9t.

.زربو باش يوصلو للمطار في الوقت


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