“Highest” (position) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Highest” (the adjective, as in the position) is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this word pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

The book you’re looking for is on the highest shelf.

El kteb li tlawej 3lih f a3la raf.

.الكتاب لي تلوج عليه في أعلى رف

What’s the name of the highest mountain in the world?

Chnowa esm a3la jbal fel 3alam?

شنوة إسم أعلى جبل في العالم؟

He holds the highest position in the company.

3andou a3la position fi charika.

.عندو أعلى بوسيسيون في الشركة

What’s the highest score you reached in this game?

Chnowa a3la score wseltlou fi lo3ba he4i?

شنوة أعلى سكور وصلتلو في اللعبة هاذي؟

I need a chair to reach the highest shelf.

Lezemni korsi bech nousel l a3la raf.

.لازمني كرسي باش نوصل لأعلى رف


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