“Hid” (subject) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Hid” (the verb, as in a subject or subjects hiding, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) T5abit

(You) T5abit

(You, plural) T5abitou

(He) T5aba

(She) T5abet

(We) T5abina

(They) T5abew

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

تخبيت (I)

تخبيت (You)

تخبيتو (You, plural)

تخبى (He)

تخبات (She)

تخبينا (We)

تخباو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I hid behind the tree earlier during the game.

T5abit wra e chejra 9bila fel lo3ba.

.تخبيت وراء الشجرة قبيلة في اللعبة

Where did you hide?

Win t5abit?

وين تخبيت؟

Where did you two hide earlier?

Win t5abitou 9bila?

وين تخبيتو قبيلة؟

The cat hid under the couch.

(m) El 9attous t5aba ta7t el fauteuil.

(f) El 9attousa t5abet ta7t el fauteuil.

.القطوس تخبى تحت الفوتاي (m)

.القطوسة تخبات تحت الفوتاي (f)

He hid behind the door to prank his brother.

T5aba wra el beb bech yefja3 5ouh.

.تخبى وراء الباب باش يفجع خوه

She hid behind her older brother.

T5abet wra 5ouha lkbir.

.تخبات وراء خوها الكبير

We hid here last night.

T5abina houni lbera7.

.تخبينا هوني البارح

The kids hid from their friends in the closet.

E sghar t5abew 3la as7abhom fel 5zena.

.الصغار تخباو على أصحابهم في الخزانة


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Hid” (object) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

“Hide” (subject) (future) in Tunisian Arabic​

“Hides” (subject) (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic​

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