“Headquarters” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Headquarters” (the noun, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) Local

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

لوكال (m)

In Tunisian Arabic, “Headquarters” (the noun, in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

We visited the police headquarters to file a report.

Mchina el markez e chorta bech n9admou chkeya.

.مشينا لمركز الشرطة باش نقدمو شكاية

We’re heading back to the headquarters.

A7na raj3in lel local.

.أحنا راجعين لللّوكال

Where is the company’s headquarters located?

Win yji e local mta3 e charika?

وين يجي اللوكال متاع الشركة؟

The company’s headquarters is downtown.

E local mta3 e charika fi centre ville.

.اللوكال متاع الشركة في السنتر فيل

The headquarters of several companies are located downtown.

E localet mta3 barcha chariket mawjoudin fi e centre ville.

.اللّوكالات متاع برشا شركات موجودين في السنتر فيل


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