“Had” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Had” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) (masculine-based) Ken 3andi

(I) (feminine-based) Kenet 3andi

(I) (plural-based) Kenou 3andi

(You) (masculine-based) Ken 3andek

(You) (feminine-based) Kenet 3andek

(You) (plural-based) Kenou 3andek

(You, plural) (masculine-based) Ken 3andkom

(You, plural) (feminine-based) Kenet 3andkom

(You, plural) (plural-based) Kenou 3andkom

(He) (masculine-based) Ken 3andou

(He) (feminine-based) Kenet 3andou

(He) (plural-based) Kenou 3andou

(She) (masculine-based) Ken 3andha

(She) (feminine-based) Kenet 3andha

(She) (plural-based) Kenou 3andha

(We) (masculine-based) Ken 3andna

(We) (feminine-based) Kenet 3andna

(We) (plural-based) Kenou 3andna

(They) (masculine-based) Ken 3andhom

(They) (feminine-based) Kenet 3andhom

(They) (plural-based) Kenou 3andhom

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

كان عندي (m) (I)

كانت عندي (f) (I)

كانو عندي (p) (I)

كان عندك (m) (You)

كانت عندك (f) (You)

كانو عندك (p) (You)

كان عندكم (m) (You, plural)

كانت عندكم (f) (You, plural)

كانو عندكم (p) (You, plural)

كان عندو (m) (He)

كانت عندو (f) (He)

كانو عندو (p) (He)

كان عندها (m) (She)

كانت عندها (f) (She)

كانو عندها (p) (She)

كان عندنا (m) (We)

كانت عندنا (f) (We)

كانو عندنا (p) (We)

كان عندهم (m) (They)

كانت عندهم (f) (They)

كانو عندهم (p) (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I had some rubbing alcohol in the cabinet in the bathroom.”

Ken 3andi chwaya alcool fi khzenet bit el banou.

.كان عندي شوية ألكول في خزانة بيت البانو

“Did you have any trouble finding the house?”

Kenet 3andek mochkla fi etalwij 3adar?

كانت عندك مشكلة في التلويج عالدار؟

“Did you two have the time to finish working on the project yesterday?”

Ken 3andkom elwa9t bech tkamlou elkhedma 3al projet emes?

كان عندكم الوقت بش تكملو الخدمة عالبروجاي امس؟

“My brother had a blue bicycle when he was a child.”

Khouya Kenet 3andou beskla zar9a ki ken sghir.

.خويا كانت عندو بسكلة زرقة كي كان صغير

“He didn’t have the courage to ask her out.”

Makenetch 3andou echaje3a bech y9ollha tokhrej m3ah.

.ما كانتش عندو الشجاعة بش يقلها تخرج معاه

“She had a few questions about the lecture but she didn’t ask the professor any of them.”

(m) Kenou 3andha chwaya as2ila 3al cours ama ma sa2letch lprof 3lihom.

(f) Kenou 3andha chwaya as2ila 3al cours ama ma sa2letch lprofa 3lihom.

.كانو عندها شوية أسئلة عالكور اما ما سألتش البروف عليهم (m)

.كانو عندها شوية أسئلة عالكور اما ما سألتش البروفة عليهم (f)

“We had a larger backyard in the old house.”

Kenet 3andna jarda akbar fedar l9dima.

.كانت عندنا جردة أكبر في الدار القديمة

“They had a problem with the new software update. But we solved the problem for them.”

Kenet 3andhom mochkla m3a l mise a jour ejdida mta3 el logiciel ama salla7nehelhom.

.كانت عندهم مشكلة مع الميز اجور الجديدة متع اللوجيسيال أما صلحناهالهم


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Had” (intrinsic) (past) in Greek

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