"Grey" in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Grey" (the colour) is written using the Latin script as:


In Lebanese Arabic, using the Arabic script, it is written as:


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Examples in sentences or statements


"The sky is grey."

L sama rmediyye.

.السما رمادية


"The dog is grey."

L kaleb rmede.

.الكلب رمادي


"The cat is grey with spots."

L bsayne rmediyye ma3 no2at.

.البسينة رمادية مع نقط


"That is a grey horse."

Haydek 7san rmede.

.هيداك حصان رمادي


"I drive a grey car."

Bsou2 siyyara rmediyye.

.بسوق سيارة رمادية


Related words in Lebanese Arabic

“Black” in Lebanese Arabic

“White” in Lebanese Arabic


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