"Good evening" in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, "Good evening" is written using the Latin script as:

Masa2 el 5er

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

مساء الخير

Listen to this greeting pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"Good evening. How are you?"

Masa2 el 5er. 3amel eh?

مساء الخير. عامل ايه؟

"Good evening. What time does your restaurant open?"

Masa2 el 5er. Mat3amak beyefta7 el sa3a kam?

مساء الخير. مطعمك بيفتح الساعة كام؟

"Good evening. Can I see the menu?"

Masa2 el 5er. Momkn a4of el menu?

مساء الخير. ممكن اشوف المنيو؟

"Good evening. A table for four, please."

Masa2 el 5er. Tarabeza le arb3a, b3d aznk.

.مساء الخير طربيزه لأربعة بعد اذنك

"Good evening. What time does your store close?"

Masa2 el 5er. Ma7elk bye2fl el sa3a kam?

مساء الخير. محلك بيقفل الساعة كام؟


Other greetings & farewells in Egyptian Arabic

“Good morning” in Egyptian Arabic

“Good night” in Egyptian Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Good evening” in Moroccan Arabic

“Good evening” in Tunisian Arabic

“Good evening” in Turkish

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