"Go straight" in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Go straight" is written using the Latin script as:

(m) Rouh deghre

(f) Rouhe deghre

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

روح دغري (m)

روحي دغري (f)

Listen to these two phrases pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"Go straight, please."

(m) Rouh deghre, 2arjouk.

(f) Rouhe deghre, 2arjouke.

 .روح دغري، أرجوك (m)

 .روح دغري، أرجوكي (f)

"Go straight one more block and then turn right."

(m) Rouh deghre hay wahad ba3den brom 3al yamin

(f) Rouhe deghre hay wahad ba3den breme 3al yamin.

 .روح دغري حي واحد بعدين بروم عليمين (m)

 .روحي دغري حي واحد بعدين برمي عليمين (f)

"Go straight two more blocks."

(m) Rouh deghre hayen.

(f) Rouhe dedeghre hayen.

.روح دغري حيين (m)

.روحي دغري حيين (f)

"Go straight and then turn left at the lights."

(m) Rouh deghre ba3den brom 3al shmel matrah 2al medwiye.

(f) Rouhe deghre ba3den breme 3al shmel matrah 2al medwiye.

.روح دغري بعدين بروم علشمال مطرح المضوي (m)

.روحي دغري بعدين برمي علشمال مطرح المضوي (f)

"Go straight one more block, please."

(m) Rouh deghre hay wahad, 2arjouk.

(f) Rouhe deghre hay wahad, 2arjouke.

.روح دغري حي واحد، أرجوك (m)

.روحي دغري حي واحد، أرجوكي (f)


Related phrases in Lebanese Arabic

“Turn left” in Lebanese Arabic

“Turn right” in Lebanese Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Go straight” in Tunisian Arabic

“Go straight” in Turkish

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