“Give” (transportation) (future) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, “Give” (the verb, in the context of providing transportation, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) 2ekhod

(You) (m) Khod

(You) (f) Khede

(You, plural) Khedo

(He) Byekhod

(She) Btekhod

(We) Mnekhod

(They) Byekhdo

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

أخود (I)

خود (m) (You)

خدي (f) (You)

خدو (You, plural)

بيخود (He)

بتيخود (She)

منيخود (We)

بيخدو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I can give you a ride.”

(m) Fine 2ekhdak shi mahal.

(f) Fine 2ekhdik shi mahal.

.فيني أخداك شي ماحال (m)

.فيني أخديك شي ماحال (f)

“I am going to give my daughter a ride to the movie theatre.”

Rah 2ekhod bente 3al cinema.

.راح أخود بينتي عال سينيما

“Remember to give her a ride to school.”

(m) Dzakar la tekheda 3al madrase.

(f) Dzakre la tekheda 3la madrase.

.دزاكار لاتخدا عال مادراسي (m)

.دزاكري لاتخدا عال مادراسي (f)

“Weren’t you two supposed to give him a ride to the train station?”

2ento naynetkon maken lezmo tekhedo 3al mahatet train?

أنتو نايناتكون ماكين لازمو تيخدو عالمحاتت ترين؟

“He is going to give me a ride.”

Bado yekhedne shi mahal.

.بدو يخدني شي ماحال

“She is going to give her friend a ride to the supermarket.”

Bata tekhod sahba 3al supermarket.

.supermarket بادا تخود ساحبا عال

“No, we aren’t giving them a ride. Their father is driving them home.”

La2, ma3amnekhod shi mahal. Bayon 3ambyekhedon 3al bet.

.لاق، ماعامنيخدون شي ماحال. بايون عامبيخدون عال بيت

“The hosts are going to give us a ride to the airport tomorrow.”

2al mudayfin badon yekhdouna 3al matar boukra.

.ألموضيفين بادون يخدونا عالماتار بوكرا


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