“Gave” (something) (past) in Turkish

In Turkish, “Gave” (the verb, in the context of giving something, in the past tense) is written as:

(I) Verdim

(You) Verdin

(You, formal) Verdiniz

(You, plural) Verdiniz

(He, She, It) Verdi

(We) Verdik

(They) Verdiler

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I gave her five dollars.

Ona beş dolar verdim.

I gave him the keys.

Ona anahtarları verdim.

Did you give her the gift?

Ona hediyeyi verdin mi?

What did you give her?

Ona ne verdiniz?

Kids, did you give grandma a kiss?”

Çocuklar, büyükannenize öpücük verdiniz mi?

He gave his girlfriend a nice bouquet of flowers.

Kız arkadaşına güzel bir buket çiçek verdi.

“She gave her friend a jacket because it was cold outside.”

Dışarısı soğuk olduğu için arkadaşına ceket verdi.

“We gave them a ride home last night.”

Dün gece onları eve götürdük.

“They gave a lot to charity.”

Onlar çok bağış yaptılar.

“What did they give you?”

Sana ne verdiler?

Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Give” (something) (future) in Turkish

“Gives” (something) (third-person) in Turkish

“Giving” (something) (present) in Turkish

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Gave” (something) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

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