“Gave” (something) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, Gave” (the verb, in the context of giving something, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) 3tit

(You) 3tit

(You, plural) 3titou

(He) 3ta

(She) 3tat

(We) 3tina

(They) 3taw

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

عطيت (I)

عطيت (You)

عطيتو (You, plural)

عطى (He)

عطات (She)

عطينا (We)

عطاو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I gave the students a bit more time to finish their projects.”

3tit lel talaba akthar wa9t bech ykamlou el macheri3 mte3hom.

.عطيت للطلبة أكثر وقت باش يكملو المشاريع متاعهم

“I gave $200 dollars to that charity last year.”

3tit mitin dollar l mou2asa khayrya 3amnewl.

.عطيت ميتين دولار لمؤسسة خيرية عمناول

“I gave it to him.”

(masculine-based noun) 3tithoulou

(feminine-based noun) 3tithelou.

عطيتهولو(masculine-based noun)

.عطيتهالو (feminine-based noun)

“Who gave you this?”

(masculine-based noun) Chkoun 3tahelek hedhi?

(feminine-based noun) Chkoun 3tahoulek hedha?

شكون عطاهولك هذا؟ (masculine-based noun)

شكون عطاهالك هاذي؟ (feminine-based noun)

“Who gave you two these books?”

Chkoun 3takom el ktob hedhom?

شكون عطاكم الكتب هاذم؟

“My father gave me a ride here.”

Baba wassalni lahna.

.بابا وصّلني لهنا

“My friend gave me a ride here.”

(m) Sa7bi wassalni lahna.

(f) Sa7ebti wassletni lahna.

.صاحبي وصّلني لهنا (m)

.صاحبتي وصّلتني لهنا (f)

“She gave me an extra cookie.”

3tatni ka3ba biscuit zeyda.

.عطاتني كعبة بسكوي زايدة

“We gave the kids rides to school this morning.”

Wasalna el sghar lel makteb el sbe7.

.وصلنا الصغار للمكتب الصباح

“They gave us a nice seat by the window at the front.”

3tawna blasa mezyena l9oddem ba7dha el chobek.

.عطاونا بلاصة مزيانة القدّام بحذا الشباك


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Give” (something) (future) in Tunisian Arabic

“Gives” (something) (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

“Gave” (something) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Give” (something) (future) in Turkish

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