"Front yard", "Front yards" in Lebanese Arabic
In Lebanese Arabic, "Front yard" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:
2al beha 2al 2amamiye
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
الباحة الأمامية
In Lebanese Arabic, "Front yards" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:
2al behat 2al 2amamiye
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
الباحاة الأمامية
Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"I'm in the front yard."
2an bel beha 2al 2amamiye.
.انا بالباحة الأمامية
"He's in the front yard."
Huwe bel beha 2al 2amamiye.
.هو بالباحة الأمامية
"We're in the front yard."
Nahna bel beha 2al 2amamiye.
.نحنا بالباحة الأمامية
"The front yard is gated."
2al beha 2al 2amamiye msakra bel bawabe.
.الباحة الأمامية مسكرة بالبوابة
"This is a big front yard!"
Hayde 2la beha 2al 2amamiye!
!هيدي الباحة كبيرة
Related terms & words in Lebanese Arabic
“Back yard”, “Back yards” in Lebanese Arabic
“Yard”, “Yards” (land) in Lebanese Arabic
“Lawn”, “Lawns” in Lebanese Arabic
In other Mediterranean languages and dialects
“Front yard”, “Front yards” in Egyptian Arabic
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