"Front yard", "Front yards" in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, "Front yard" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) El 7o4 el 2mamy

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

الحوش الامامي (m)

In Egyptian Arabic, "Back yards" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:

El a7wa4 el 2mamyah

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

الاحواش الامامية

Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"Your front yard is so big."

Al7o4 al2amamy bta3k kbir awy.

.الحوش الامامى بتاعك كبير اوى

"Our front yard looks clean."

7o4nah el 2mamy ndef.

.حوشنا الامامي نضيف

"The front yard is full of beautiful flowers."

Al7o4 al2amamy malian belzohor algamila.

.الحوش الامامي مليان بالزهور الجميله

"Come from the front yard."

Ta3ala min al7o4 al2amamy.

.تعالى من الحوش الامامي

"Let’s go buy stuff for the front yard."

Yala nro7 n4try 7agat ll7o4 al2amamy.

.يلا نروح نشتري حاجات للحوش الامامي


Related terms in Egyptian Arabic

“Back yard”, “Back yards” in Egyptian Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Front yard”, “Front yards” in Lebanese Arabic

“Front yard”, “Front yards” in Tunisian Arabic

“Front yard”, “Front yards” in Greek

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