“Found” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Found” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) L9it

(You) L9it

(You, plural) L9itou

(He) L9a

(She) L9at

(We) L9ina

(They) L9aw

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

لقيت (I)

لقيت (You)

لقيتوا (You, plural)

لقا (He)

لقات (She)

لقينا (We)

لقاوا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I found my key in my bag.

L9it mefte7i f sac.

.لقيت مفتاحي في الساك

I couldn’t find it.”



Where did you find it?”

Win l9itha?

وين لقيتها؟


Did you two find each other?

L9itou ntouma zouz b3athkom?

لقيتوا أنتم الزوز بعضكم؟

She found her lost keys in the kitchen.

Hia l9at mfete7ha thay3in f koujina.

.هي لقات مفاتيحها الضايعين في الكوجينة

He found his old toys in the attic.”

Houa l9a lou3ab l9dom mte3ou f sta7.

.هو لقا اللعب القدم متاعو في السطح

He didn’t find his keys.

Houa l9ach mfet7ou.

.هو لقاش مفاتيحه

We found our way back.

A7na l9ina thniyet rjou3.

.أحنا لقينا ثنية الرجوع

They found their stuff.

Houma l9aw dbachhom.

.هوما لقاوا دبشهم


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