“Football”, “Footballs” (ball) in Turkish

In Turkish, “Football” (the noun, as in the ball) is written as:

Futbol topu

In Turkish, “Footballs” (the noun) is written as:

Futbol topları

Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

That is a football.

O bir futbol topudur.

Kick me the football.

Bana futbol topunu at.

There are three footballs in the field.

Sahada üç futbol topu var.

There should be a football in the closet.

Dolapta futbol topu olmalı.

I’m going to go buy the kids a new football.

Çocuklara yeni bir futbol topu alacağım.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Football”, “Footballs” (ball) in Tunisian Arabic

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