"Flew" (actual act) (past) in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, "Flew" (the verb,as in the actual act of flying,in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Tert

(You) Tert

(You, plural) Terto

(He) Tar

(She) Taret

(We) Terna

(They) Taro

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

طيرت (I)

طيرت (You)

طيرتوا (You, plural)

طار (He)

طارت (She)

طيرنا (We)

طاروا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"I flew a kite at the beach yesterday."

Ana tayart tayarah war2 3la al4ate2 2mbare7.

.انا طيرت طيارة ورق علي الشاطئ امبارح

"Birds flew to a man in the park that was feeding them."

Al3asafer taro lilragel 2ly fel7adeqa 2ly kan by2akelhom.

.العصافير طاروا للراجل الي فالحديقة الي كان بيأكلهم

"The hawk fly back to its owner."

Alsa2r bayter w yerga3 tany ly sa7boh.

.الصقر بيطير و يرجع تاني لي صاحبه

"A bird just flew right above my head!"

Al3asfor tar fo2 dma8y belzabt!

!العصفور طار فوق دماغي بالظبط

"My son flew his kite in the park today."

2bny tayar tayartoh alwar2 fe al7adeqa alnaharda.

.ابني طايار طيارته الورق في الحديقة النهاردة

"We flew a drone yesterday."

E7na tayrna drone 2mbare7.

.احنا طايرنا درون امبارح

"A flock of pigeons flew to the top of a tree."

Taret magmo3a mn al7amam fo2 al4agrah.

.طارت مجموعة من الحمام فوق الشجرة


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Flew” (past) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

“Flew” (past) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

“Flew” (past) (verb) in Turkish


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