“Five hundred years” (500 years) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Five hundred years” (500 years) is written using the Latin script as:

Khamsa myatin 3am

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

خمسة مياتٍ عام

Listen to this term pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

This building is five hundred years old.

Ilbanaya hethi 3omerha khamsa myatin 3am.

.البنيا هذي عمرها فوق خمسة مياتٍ عام

“These olive trees are over five hundred years in age.”

Chojrat zitoun hathom 3omerhom fou9 khamsa myatin 3am.

.شجرات زيتون هاذم عمرهم فوق خمسة مياتٍ عام

“This type of material is supposed to last for 500 years.”

Nw3iyat matiere hethi mil mafrouth to93ed hata khamsa myatin 3am.

.نوعية متيار هذي مل مفروض تقعد حتى خمسة مياتٍ عام

“This artefact is 500 years old.”

9at3a athariya hethi 3omerha jhamsa myatin 3am.

.قطعة أثرية هذي عمرها خمسة مياتٍ عام

“Five hundred years is half a millenium.”

Khamsa myatin 3am hiya nos alef 3am.

 .خمسة مياتٍ عام هي نص ألف عام


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Year”, “Years” in Tunisian Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Five hundred years” (500 years) in Turkish

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