“First floor” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, First floor is written using the Latin script as:

L’étage lowel

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

ليتاج الأول

Listen to this term pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

The residence is on the first floor.

E dar fi l’étage lowel.

.الدار في ليتاج الأول

My apartment is on the first floor.

Dari fi l’étage lowel.

.داري في ليتاج الأول

The superintendent lives on the first floor.

L moudir yosken fi l’étage lowel.

 .المدير يسكن في ليتاج الأول

I’m on the first floor.

Ena fi l’étage lowel.

.أنا في ليتاج الأول

Let’s take the stairs to the first floor.

Ija netl3ou fi drouj lel l’​étage lowel.

.إيجا نطلعو في الدروج لليتاج الأول


This term in other Arabic dialects

“First floor” in Lebanese Arabic

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