"Fireplace", "Fireplaces" in Lebanese Arabic
In Lebanese Arabic, “Fireplace" is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
In Lebanese Arabic, “Fireplaces” is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"The floor of a fireplace is called a hearth."
2ardiyat 2al mawkad 2esmo bet 2al mawkad.
.أرضية الموقد اسمو بيت الموقد
"I’ll start the fireplace."
Bade wali3 2al mawkad.
.بدي ولع الموقد
"Is there more wood for the fireplace?"
Fi hateb zyede lal mawkad?
في حطب زيادة للموقد؟
"I’m going to go buy more wood for the fireplace."
Bade rouh 2eshtere hateb zyede lal mawkad.
.بدي روح اشتري حطب زيادة للموقد
"Let’s go look at fireplaces today."
Khalina nrouh 2al yawm 2enfatish 3ala mawaked.
.خلينا نروح اليوم نفتش على مواقد
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