“Finishing” (present) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Finishing” (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Nkamel

(You) Tkamel

(You, plural) Tkamlou

(He) Ykaml

(She) Tkamel

(We) Nkamlou

(They) Ykamlou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

نكمل (I)

تكمل (You)

تكملوا (You, plural)

يكمل (He)

تكمل (She)

نكملوا (We)

يكملوا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I am finishing my meal right now.

Bch nkaml mekelti tawa.

.بش نكمل ماكلتي توا

Are you finishing the movie now or later?

Bch tkamel l film tawa wela baad?

بش تكمل الفيلم توا ولا بعد؟

Are you two finishing your meals soon?

Ntouma ezouz bch tkamlou mekletkom 3la 9rib?

أنتم الزوز بش تكملوا ماكلتكم على قريب؟

He is upstairs finishing his homework now.

Houa lfou9 ykaml f 9raytou tawa.

.هو الفوق يكمل في قرايتوا توا

He hasn’t finished his homework yet.

Houa mazel makamlch 9raytou.

.هو مازال ماكملش قرايتوا

The cleaner is just finishing cleaning the house.

L femme de ménage 9a3da tkaml f tanthif eddar.

.الفام دو ميناج قاعدة تكمل في تنظيف الدار

We are finishing cleaning the dishes right now.

9a3din nkamlou f tanthif l ma3oun tawa.

.قاعدين نكملوا في تنظيف الماعون توا

They are finishing the marathon.

9a3din ykamlou f marathon.

.قاعدين يكملوا في المراثون


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