"Finish" (future) in Lebanese Arabic
In Lebanese Arabic, "Finish" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:
(I) Bkhalis
(You) (m) Khalis
(You) (f) Khalse
(You, plural) Khalso
(He) Bikhalis
(She) Betkhalis
(We) Menkhalis
(They) Bikhalso
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
بخليص (I)
خليص (m) (You)
خلصي (f) (You)
خلصو (You, plural)
بيخليص (He)
بيتخليص (She)
منخليص (We)
بيخلصو (They)
Listen to these words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"I will finish this book by tomorrow."
Rah khalis haydal kteb la bukra.
.راح خليص حايدال كتاب لا بوكرا
"I'll finish watching this movie later."
Rah 2ekhlas 2ehdar 2al film ba3den.
.راح أخلص أحضار ألفيلم باعدين
"I won't finish the essay until the weekend."
Marah 2ekhlas 2al essay la jem3a teje.
.لا جمعا تجي essayماراح أخلاص أل
"When do you think you'll finish the renovation project?"
(m) 2amtin bta3te2id btekhlas 2al mashrou3 2al tejdid?
(f) 2amtin bta3te2de btekhlase 2al mashrou3 2al tejdid?
أمتين بتاعتقيد بتخلاص ألمشروع ألتجديد؟ (m)
أمتين بتاعتقدي بتخلاصي ألمشروع ألتجديد؟ (f)
"When do you two think you'll be finished planting all the flowers?"
(m) 2amtin bteftekir btekhlas tezra3 kel 2al 2awrad?
(f) 2amtin bteftekre btekhlase tezra3e kel 2al 2awrad?
أمتين بتفتكير بتخلص تزراع كل ألقوراد؟ (m)
أمتين بتفتكري بتخلصي تزراعي كل ألقوراد؟ (f)
"The movie will finish in about 30 minutes."
2al film byekhlas bi shi nes se3a.
.ألفيلم بيخلص بي نس سيعا
"He will finish his meal soon."
Huwe rah yekhlas 2al 2akel 2ariban.
.هو راح يخلص ألأكل أريبان
"We will finish the conversation later."
Menkhalis 2al hake ba3den.
.منخليص ألأكل باعدين
"That family will finish their meal soon."
Haydal 3ayle rah yekhlas 2al 2akel 2ariban.
.حايدال أكل راح يخلص ألأكل أريبان
In other Mediterranean languages and dialects
“Finish” (future) in Egyptian Arabic
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