“Finding” (present) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Finding” (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Nal9a

(You) Tal9a

(You, plural) Tal9aw

(He) Yal9a

(She) Tal9a

(We) Nal9aw

(They) Yal9aw

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

نلقى (I)

تلقى (You)

تلقاوا (You, plural)

يلقى (He)

تلقى (She)

نلقاوا (We)

يلقاوا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I’m not finding my book on the table.

Mal9itch ktebi 3l tawla.

.مالقيتش كتابي على الطاولة

I’m not finding my way easily in the city.

Menich nal9a f thniyti b sehel f mdina.

.مانيش نلقى في ثنيتي بالساهل في المدينة

Are you finding it?

Tal9a fih?

تلقى فيه؟

Finding joy in simple things is important.

La9yen l mot3a f 7ajet lbsita 7aja mouhema.

.لقيان المتعة في الحاجات البسيطة حاجة مهمة

He is actively finding ways to improve.

Houa dima yal9a tro9 jdida bch yet7asen.

.هو ديما يلقى طرق جديدة بش يتحسن

She enjoys finding new places to explore.

Hia tetfarhd k tal9a blays jdod tektachefhom.

.هي تتفرهد كي تلقى بلايص جدد بش تكتشفهم

We’re finding our seats.

A7na nal9aw f kresina.

.أحنا نلقاوا في كراسينا

They are finding a solution to the problem.

Houma yal9aw f 7al l mochkel.

.هوما يلقاوا حل للمشكل


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