"Female" in Tunisian Arabic
In Tunisian Arabic, "Female" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
In Tunisian Arabic, "Female" (the adjective, in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"Are they female?"
"One dog is male and the other is female."
Kalb menhom dhkar w lekher 2antha.
.كلب منهم ذكر و لاخر أنثى
"They are both female."
Ezouz 2anethi.
.الزوز أناثي
"I've always gotten female dogs."
Dima nrabbi kleb 2anethi.
.ديما نربي كلاب أناثي
"We have eight female chickens that lay eggs."
3anda thmanya djejet ybidhou el 3dham.
.عندنا ثمنية دجاجات يبيضو العضم
Related words in Tunisian Arabic
“Woman”, “Women” in Tunisian Arabic
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