"Excuse me" in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Excuse me" is written using the Latin script as:


in Lebanese Arabic, using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this word pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"Excuse me, do you know where the subway is?"

(m) 3afwan bta3rif wen 2al metro?

(f) 3afwan bta3rfe wen 2al metro?

 عفواً بتعرف وين المترو؟ (m)

 عفواً بتعرفي وين المترو؟ (f)


"Excuse me, do you know where the nearest bus stop is?"

(m) 3afwan bta3rif wen 2a2rab maw2af lal bus?

(f) 3afwan bta3rfe wen 2a2rab maw2af lal bus?

عفواً بتعرف وين اقرب موقف للباص؟ (m)

عفواً بتعرفي وين اقرب موقف للباص؟ (f)


"Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the airport?"

(m) 3afwan.Bta3rif kif mnousal 3al matar?

(f) 3afwan.Bta3rfe kif mnousal 3al matar?

عفواً بتعرف كيف منوصل عالمطار؟ (m)

عفواً بتعرفي كيف منوصل عالمطار؟ (f)


"Excuse me, do you know where the check-in desk is at the hotel?"

(m) 3afwan.Bta3rif wen maktab 2al 2esta3malat bel fendou2?

(f) 3afwan.Bta3rfe wen maktab 2al 2esta3malat bel fendou2?

عفواً بتعرف وين مكتب الاستعلامات بالفندق؟ (m)

عفواً بتعرفي وين مكتب الاستعلامات بالفندق؟ (f)


"Excuse me, do you know where this address is?"

(m) 3afwan. Bta3rif wen hal 3anwen?

(f) 3afwan. Bta3rfe wen hal 3anwen?


عفواً بتعرف وين هالعنوان؟ (m)

عفواً بتعرفي وين هالعنوان؟ (f)


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Pardon me” in Lebanese Arabic


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