"Excellently" in Greek

In Greek, "Excellently" (the adverb) is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:


Listen to this word pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"You performed excellently well!"

Ta piges eksairetika.

Τα πήγες εξαιρετικά.

"She performed her dance routine excellently."

Xorepse eksairetika.

Χόρεψε εξαιρετικά.

"He did the job excellently."

Ekane ti douleia eksairetika.

Έκανε τη δουλειά εξαιρετικά.

"The team worked excellently."

H omada doulepse eksairetika.

Η ομάδα δούλεψε εξαιρετικά.

"The students presented their research excellently."

(elementary school and high school) Oi mathites parousiasan tin erevna tous eksairetika.

(university students) Oi foitites parousiasan tin erevna tous eksairetika.

(elementary school and high school) Οι μαθητές παρουσίασαν την έρευνα τους εξαιρετικά.

(university students) Οι φοιτητές παρουσίασαν την έρευνα τους εξαιρετικά.


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Excellently” in Turkish

“Excellently” in Tunisian Arabic

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