“Ensured” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Ensured” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) T2akadet

(You) T2akadet

(You, plural) T2akadtou

(He) T2aked

(She) T2akdet

(We) T2akadna

(They) T2akdou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

تأكدت (I)

تأكدت (You)

تأكدتو (You, plural)

تأكد (He)

تأكدت (She)

تأكدنا (We)

تأكدو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I called and ensured that they received the parcel.”

Tlabet w t2akadet eli el colis wselelhom.

.طلبت و تأكدت الّي الكولي وصللهم

“Did you ensure that all the windows were closed before we left?”

T2akadet eli echbebek lkol kenou msakrin ki khrajna?

تأكدت الّي الشبابك الكل كانو مسكّرين كي خرجنا؟

“Did you two ensure that every guest has an invite?”

T2akadtou eli kol dhif jeh ensted3a?

تأكدتو الّي كل ضيف جاه استدعاء؟

“She ensured the project was completed ahead of schedule.”

T2akdet eli el projet kmel 9bal el wa9t.

.تأكدت الّي البروجي كمل قبل الوقت

“He ensured the package was delivered on time.”

T2aked eli el colis wsel fel wa9t.

.تأكد الّي الكولي وصل في الوقت

“We ensured everyone was invited to the party.”

T2akadna eli enes lkol mested3in lel 7afla.

.تأكدنا الّي الناس الكل مستدعين للحفلة

“They ensured that the plan was on track.”

T2akdou eli el plan mechi.

.تأكدو الّي البلون ماشي


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Ensure” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

“Ensures” (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

“Ensuring” (present) in Tunisian Arabic

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